Small towns are like Mandy Moore in the sense that they’re void of personality. At 16 and scouring the malls of Gander, Newfoundland for back-to-school digs, I had to settle for places like Pseudio–the ‘P’ is silent–where the aesthetic was off-season hockey player. The pickings were slim and the chances of convincing my mother to lend me her credit card with the intent to online shop, slimmer. (She was super prolific about the now very real threat of identity theft.)
Initially, I was really into the menswear options Toronto had to offer. But, since becoming at least a little versed in online destinations, I’ve realized the brick and mortar game in Toronto remains slightly subpar. But, that isn’t to say nonexistent. There are gems that subdue the pain of having to dish out my student credit card every time I want a decent field jacket.